Lisa Begin Kruysman

Brick Township, New Jersey, United States

Animal Advocate Shares her Passion through Words and Art

<p>As a much younger person I wanted to grow up to be a veterinarian or an artist and to be owned by a dog. I did manage to become a painter and have been happily owned by several Companion Animals.&nbsp; As for the Veterinarian career, I am content to write about those individuals who are trained to help and heal.</p> <p>I graduated from the University of Connecticut, got a job in Human Resources for Home Box Office in New York City, traveled a bit and then settled down to become a Full Time &ldquo;Creative Type.&rdquo; It wasn&rsquo;t an easy path, but each day brings unique opportunities and challenges that confirm that I have made the right choices.</p> <p>In my work, I continue to be amazed at the talent and dedication of my colleagues in the world of art, publishing and those who work in the area of Animal Welfare, trying to bring about positive change. The more we can overlook our differences and unite our abilities, the more we can accomplish.&nbsp;</p> <p>In dedicating seven full days to honor dogs, Captain Judy proclaimed, &ldquo;it is the fashion of the human mind to require a &lsquo;concentration of emphasis&rsquo; in order to get action.&rdquo; I believe this is the only way good things can be accomplished.</p>

About Me
  • 1 Campaign From the launch to the finish line, these were the campaigns you ran to make something happen for your entrepreneurial, cause-related, or creative passions.
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