Dane Kunkel

Yardley, Pennsylvania, United States

BeachGlow: Concerts for Charity - having fun and giving back

<p>I am a professional DJ and concert producer from Bucks County, Pennsylvania. I have produced, and performed at, numerous electronic dance music parties and concerts with thousands of attendees. My performances and events have helped raise funds for various domestic and international charities. When I produce a concert, I am involved in every aspect of the project -- from lighting, sound, set design, marketing, promotion, play lists, operations, ticket sales, talent acquisition, venue, business plan development, budget, etc, right down to set-up, performance, and breakdown. I also love video, and I personally create and edit all my videos related to these projects. A few years ago, I started my own deejay business called GetKunked Productions, and most recently I started a spin-off for my fundraising projects I call BeachGlow: Concerts for Charity.</p> <p>Outside of the concert arena, I'm a 17-year-old Honor student going into my senior year at The Pennington School, in Pennington, New Jersey. &nbsp;I'm a serious student (I was inducted into the National Honor Society, and the French Honor Society as a junior), and I try to be a leader on campus (I've been elected to student government, and chosen to be a student mentor to underclassmen -- most recently in the competitive Junior Proctor program). I've been a member of a few clubs (community service, chess, math). &nbsp;I'm on Pennington's soccer and track teams, and I&rsquo;m a coaching assistant/mentor for a younger boys' community travel soccer team.</p> <p>A debilitating nerve injury at age 14 shifted my solitary focus on soccer and track to a newly discovered passion for music and deejaying, when it became apparent that I would no longer be able to pursue sports in the same capacity. It was a hard reality to swallow, but by the time it really set in, my love for this new interest was enormous. It's something I may never have uncovered if the events hadn't played out the way they did, so in a way, I'm grateful.</p> <p>I am highly motivated, with big ambitions. I'm busy beginning the college process this summer and working full-time on my newest BeachGlow project (as well as taking every paying deejay job I can get to give me some spending money!). I would love to continue down this path, beyond high school and college. In my perfect world, when I grow up, I will be involved, in some way, in the business end of entertainment and/or fundraising. Nothing will stop me. I can't wait!</p>

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