Amy Smith

Baltimore, Maryland, United States


<p>My name is Amy.&nbsp; I am a single mother of a handicap boy named Tyler.&nbsp; Tyler will 14 in about one month.&nbsp; Tyler came into this world at only 24 weeks weighing 1 lb 91/4 pounds.&nbsp; He was in the NICU for four months relying on oxygen to stay alive.&nbsp; With Tyler being premature and being on oxygen that gave him brain damage.&nbsp; He may only 13 and 11 months but his mentality is that of 12 month old-24 month old if that.</p> <p>Tyler has faced a lot in his life for being such a special child.&nbsp; He has been through more then some adults have been through.&nbsp; He has had 6 surgeries that consisted of tonsils, ear tubes, lazer eye surgery, hernia repair and multiple orthopedic surgeries.</p> <p>But, why we are here now well because now&nbsp;Tyler is facing one of the biggest surgeries that he has been up against and that spine surgery for scoliosis.&nbsp; Tylers back has several curves one at the bottom that is 58 degree angle then there is one at the top that is 33 degree angle and is also hunch back.&nbsp; So the doctor has recommended that Tyler have a rod put into his back to make his spine striaght again.&nbsp; This condition can cause more problems if not fixed soon.&nbsp; Issues such as ( breathing issues, Crushing some of his insides).&nbsp; We have tried to observe this and brace it but it is still continuing to progress.&nbsp; The doctor wants to do this surgery ASAP with in the next few months as the curve could get worse.&nbsp;</p> <p>Tyler has had numerous doctors that we see each and every month.</p> <p>As&nbsp;I said above I am a single mom and Tyler needs alot of my help for everything that he needs/does.&nbsp; I work part-time to pay the bills and keep a roof over our head and to put food on the table for us.&nbsp; When Tyler has this surgery I will be out of work from 3-6 weeks depending on how Tyler does post surgery.&nbsp; At this time we have no way of him getting home from the hospital because&nbsp;I don't have a vehicle that is handicap accessible.&nbsp; I have tried several charities and car dealer ships to help but with&nbsp;no luck.&nbsp; So we are trying to raise money to help get a vehicle for Tyler so that after his surgery that he will be able to still get out in to the community and socialize as he likes to do.&nbsp; We also have to get a wheelchair ramp built on to our house so that tyler can access the house better.</p> <p>All of this coming at one time and trying to do the right thing it is alot to take in&nbsp;all at once.&nbsp; How am I going to be able to supply for us if I am not working let alone trying to get us a new vehicle when we struggle to put food on the table.</p> <p>Tyler has many conditions not just the scoliosis.&nbsp; He has asthma, food allergies, epilepsy, mental retardation and cerebal palsy.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Think about how happy you would be if you had to live a life like this with these problems.&nbsp; But Tyler doesn't complain he wakes&nbsp;up everyday smiling and laughing like nothing is bothering him.&nbsp; It's just amazing as to how happy he is with all the problems that he has.&nbsp; With some adults they couldn't handle half of this.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>If you can help in any way it is GREATLY appreciated.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Thank You,&nbsp;</p> <p>Tyler</p> <p>and Amy his mother</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

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