Detroit Reforesters

Detroit, Michigan, United States

<p>Detroit Reforesters (DRF) is a non-profit, 501(c)3, organization which currently operates 100% on volunteer hours. &nbsp;DRF was founded by a collection of ecology graduate students and Detroit residents, working together to bring about positive change in Detroit &ndash; our goal is two-fold: 1. reduce the blight of abandoned lots through the reintroduction of native plant species and forest establishment and 2. bring back the wilderness to urban residents for education and enjoyment.&nbsp; For more information on our broader goals and the benefits associated with wild green space please visit our website at</p> <p>Our goal for this campaign is to raise enough money to buy and develop a lot into a permanent home base.&nbsp; This is a crucial step for our organization.&nbsp; A permanent lot can serve as a place to establish a nursery for young trees, develop demonstration gardens, hold educational seminars, and store our ever expanding collection of tools.&nbsp; Currently, we keep tools in our basements, and our back yards are full of potted saplings.&nbsp; To accomplish our goals of planting healthy, native trees/shrubs/perennials throughout the city in a cost effective and sustainable way, it is clear that we need a permanent lot for DRF.</p> <p>A brief breakdown of the funds</p> <ul> <li><strong>The purchase of the lot</strong> represents the lion&rsquo;s share of the funds.&nbsp; We are required to put a $5000 deposit down in order to take part in the city land auction.&nbsp; The actual cost of the lot could be more or less than this.&nbsp; Based on past auctions we expect the lot we are interested in to go for about $7000.</li> <li><strong>Water access</strong> to the lot will need to be installed ($1000-$2500).</li> <li><strong>Clean-up and establishment </strong>of the lot will utilize any remaining funds.&nbsp; Examples of necessary costs are: materials for a shed, rental of a wood chipper, gas for lawnmowers, starter plants, and food for our volunteers! <strong></strong></li> </ul> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This is our first indiegogo (or any crowdfunding) campaign.&nbsp; In the past we have raised all of our funds for planting through events such as<em> Forestival</em>&nbsp; where local bands volunteered performances at the Imagination Station and P.J.&rsquo;s Lager House in Detroit, and the Loving Touch in Ferndale.&nbsp; We are reaching out to the indiegogo community now because as our group grows, so do our needs and this project in particular requires much more funding then our previous projects.&nbsp; Because we operate strictly on volunteers, 100% of all donations go directly towards our goal.</p> <p>PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE pass this campaign on!&nbsp; We believe many people around the city, nation, and world share our passion, but we need to reach them!&nbsp; If you can use your indiegogo share tools, tag us on facebook, send out an email, or talk to your friends about this cause.&nbsp; We thank you for your time and generosity!&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>- Detroit Reforesters</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

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