Filipe Masetti Leite

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Journalist, Cinematographer & Cowboy.

<p class="snap_preview">I love to laugh, but it is making others do the same that truly makes me happy. I believe in informing and entertaining. Rocks are&nbsp;okay, but grass is way cooler. Jesus was a a great man, but I don&rsquo;t believe he was the son of God. I am not sure who or what God is. I like Science, but realise it can only go so far. Fast food makes you feel good. So does cocaine. Digital cameras have made beautiful moments fake. Barack Obama, has instilled hope. George W. &nbsp;Bush is an idiot. My forefathers have messed up. Our world is screaming for help. A generation of &nbsp;defs passing the ranes to a generation of mutes. Airplane food is an oxymoron. Flights scare me, but I love to fly.&nbsp;I hate the gym. My soul burns at school. My mind expands with every page I turn. The light-box tells me what I should like. I simply nod and turn the volume up. Music is not dead, it is very hard to find (Doesn&rsquo;t mean you should stop looking). I am tired of seeing how a few people control the majority of our worlds natural resources, money and power while the rest are left starving. I don&rsquo;t believe anyone should starve to death in the name of Capitalism. I don&rsquo;t believe money is more important than a life.&nbsp;</p>

About Me
  • 2 Campaigns From the launch to the finish line, these were the campaigns you ran to make something happen for your entrepreneurial, cause-related, or creative passions.
  • 18 Comments Engagement is the name of the game when it comes to crowdfunding. Sharing your thoughts on campaigns can help campaigners and strengthen the Indiegogo community.
  • 0 Contributions Whether you contributed a little or a lot, this number signifies the times you helped support someone else’s idea, project, or goal.
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