Phillip Taylor Mock

Chicago, Illinois, United States

Campaigns I'm On

  • Dreams are gateways to your past, present and future, through them you can get what you must desire and even unconsciously realize what's most important to you.
  • Jonas is a dark individual. Between being constantly surrounded by a mist to having his own narration, his new roommate Steve struggles to understand it all.
  • A dark and comedic film about a young man's loss of touch with reality.

Campaigns I'm Following

  • A dark and comedic film about a young man's loss of touch with reality.
  • Jonas is a dark individual. Between being constantly surrounded by a mist to having his own narration, his new roommate Steve struggles to understand it all.
  • Dreams are gateways to your past, present and future, through them you can get what you must desire and even unconsciously realize what's most important to you.