Silvia Spross

Santa Monica, California, United States

<span class="Apple-style-span" style="color: rgb(74, 59, 28); font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 12px; line-height: 18px; border-collapse: separate; "><p><font size="3">Silvia Spross&nbsp;was&nbsp;born and raised in Switzerland where she earned a prestigious degree in Banking, Finance and International Trading.&nbsp; However, it is her talent in Fine Art painting, and her enthusiasm for Imagery and Film that guided her across the Atlantic Ocean.&nbsp;<br><br>Her American journey started in New York where she attended Uta Hagen's and Herbert Bergdorff's famed HB studio. In addition to her drama training, she studied storyboarding at the School of Visual Arts.</font></p><p><font size="3">Based in Los Angeles for the past 10 years, Silvia has worked on numerous films, from two minute student shorts to major feature films, working opposite talents such as Adrien Brody, Christopher Masterson and Robert Miano.&nbsp; A mutli-talented creative, she has also been working with photography for the past 7 years and her most recent engagement was Unit Photographer on Mysteria (2011), a film produced by Robert Miano, featuring Danny Glover, Martin Landau, Michael Rooker and Billy Zane.<br><br>Silvia is at ease being part of the film making process, both behind and in front of the camera. Her early background in business also makes her an excellent asset in producing and organizing.&nbsp;<br></font><font size="4"><br><font size="3">

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