Playing on the Edge
<div class="mhl">The Phoenix Fringe Festival (PHX:fringe) is a nonprofit organization founded in early 2008 by a group of theatre artists and producers with a shared vision for the importance of small venue, live performance in downtown Phoenix, Arizona.</div> <div class="mhl"> <div class="mvm uiP fsm"><span class="fwb"> </span></div> <div class="mvm uiP fsm"><strong><span class="fwb">Mission</span></strong></div> PHX:fringe presents innovative, experimental and provocative theatre by local, national and international artists. PhxFringe seeks to develop an adventurous urban audience by offering a variety of artistic choices in non-traditional downtown spaces. The Fringe promotes artistic exploration by supporting the risky, adventurous work of established and emerging artists while keeping performances accessible and affordable to the community.</div>